The story of Joseph "The object of his fathers love" has to do with the circumstances prevailing in Jacobs family before Joseph was born and up till the time he was seventeen years old. It emphasised the loyalty Joseph showed to his father which made him the object of his fathers love. This week's lesson seeks to emphasise that it is true that the rigeeous may suffer in an evil and unjust environment, but the purpose of God will prevail for the righteous.
Jacob trained Joseph to become useful and modest. He was loved more than all his children because he was son of his old age. also he was the greatest comfort of his old age. This was so because he was always available to attend to his father errands and needs.
Joseph was a solution and lived up to become a promised child which God wanted him to be. He never joined the evil brethren in his family. He was loyal and confort to his father and abounded in the service of his father. Till date he remains a model in the household of faith.